Pages 108 and 109
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目撃されているサスケが偽者だと証明する―― | I’ll prove that the Sasuke that they had sighted was an imposter―― |
火影室で言うには言ったが、自宅に戻って考えを巡らせても、 一向にアイデアは浮かばなかった。 | Since she had said that in the office of the Hokage, she then sorted out her thoughts when she returned home. But no ideas came to mind at all. |
どうすれば偽者だと証明できるか、 ということよりも、どうしてサスケくんは里に戻ってこないの、ということばかりを、サクラは考えてしまうのだった。 | ‘How can I prove that was an imposter? Aside from that, why won’t Sasuke-kun return to the village?’ Those were the only things that Sakura was thinking about. |
――早く帰ってきてよ、サスケくん。 | ――Come back soon, Sasuke-kun. |
――本物の俺がそんなことするはずないだろって、そう言ってよ……。 心が弱気の虫にとりつかれている。だから、考えがまとまらず、サスケくんに会いたい、とそればかりを念仏のように唱えてしまう。 | ――He’d say something like, ‘The real me wouldn’t do such things’…..I feel uneasy and vulnerable. That’s why I can’t collect my thoughts. I want to meet Sasuke-kun… That’s all I can recite (over and over again), as if it was a Buddhist prayer. |
――だめだ、こんなんじゃ……。 | ――It’s no use…..If it's like this... |
サクラは家を出た。 | Sakura left her home. |
少し体を動かしたほうが気分も晴れるだろうと思ったのだ。 | She thought that it would be better if she moved her body a little bit, so that she could refresh her mood. |
行き先を決めずに歩き出したが、気がつくと忍者学校の近くまで来ていた。 | She began to walk without deciding on a destination, but then she noticed that she was coming closer to the academy. |
繁華街の喧騒から遠ざかりたいという意識が働いたせいかもしれない。 | Perhaps it was a conscious decision to want to move farther away from the clattering noises of the bustling street. |
昼下がりの学校から、子どもたちの声が聞こえてくる。 | Since it was early afternoon at the school, she could hear the voices of the children. |
フェンス越しに、少し見学していこうと思った。 | She thought about observing them for a little bit through the fence. |
校庭のほうに回ると、十歳前後の子どもたちが、組手の稽古をしていた。そして、稽古をつけている先生を見て、あ、と思う。ナルトだったのだ。 | Turning towards the schoolyard, she saw children who were about ten years old. They were sparring in pairs. Then she saw the sensei who was joining in on the training. ‘Ah…’, she thought. ‘It’s Naruto.’ |
「ほらほら、手数だけ多くてもだめだぞ!ちゃんと次の攻撃のことを考えて体をさばくんだってばよ!」 | “Hey, pay attention! It’s not only about the number of moves! Control your bodies and think about the next attack properly ‘dattebayo!” |
大戦後、ナルトがちょくちょく忍者学校で臨時講師をしているのは聞いていた。こうして見ると、なかなか立派に務めているようだ。 | After the Great War, she had heard that Naruto was often a special instructor at the Academy. As she watched, it seemed as though he doing considerably well. |
「おい、試合が終わったら、ちゃんと和解の印を結べよ!強いとか弱いの前に、それが忍者のルールなんだからな」 | “Oi! When the bout is over, make the Seal of Reconciliation properly! Before you, there were strong and weak (students who ended their sparring training like this), because it’s a ninja rule.” |
組手の作法を守らない生徒に、ナルトがコツンと拳骨を落とす。 | Naruto would drop his fist with a thump onto (the heads of the) paired students who sparred but didn’t abide by the etiquette. |
――アンタも昔はそうだったんだよ。 | ――You did that in the old days too. |
心のなかで言って、サクラは小さく笑う。 | As she said that in her head, Sakura laughed a little. |
ひと通り全員の指導を終えると、ナルトは生徒たちを整列させて、 互いに礼をした。 | As usual for everyone at the end of the lesson, Naruto made the students line up in a row to thank one another. |
顔を上げたナルトが、サクラに気づき、「おー!」と声を上げる。 | As Naruto elevated his face, he noticed Sakura. He raised his voice with an ‘Ohh!’. |
- 心が弱気の虫にとりつかれた literally means “ The heart/mind was possessed by timid insects”. = An awareness of feeling vulnerable or helpless. I looked online for a better explanation of the idiom, and I saw that someone said an English translation might be like ‘Letting something get to you’. I asked one of my friends who said the meaning was closer to anxious/restless/uneasy.
Pages 110 and 111
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「サクラちゃん!」 | “Sakura-chan!” |
サクラは小さく手を振った。 | Sakura waved her hand a little bit. |
「お前ら、ちょっと待っててくれな」 | “Please wait for a little while, you guys” |
ナルトは子どもたちに言い置くと、サクラのほうに駆け寄ってきた。 | Once Naruto left that message to the children, he came rushing over to Sakura. |
「どうしたんだ?今日は休み?」 | “What are you up to? Are you resting today?” |
ナルトに聞かれ、サクラは、 | When asked by Naruto, Sakura responded: |
「うーん、まあ、 そんなようなもんかな」 | “Yup. Well, it’s something like that…” |
と言葉を濁す。 | She said ambiguously. |
「結構ちゃんと先生してるじゃない」 サクラが言うて、 | “You’re doing pretty well as a sensei, aren’t you?” Sakura said. |
「だろー?」 | “You think so…?” |
ナルトはにかっと笑い、鼻の下を指でこする。そして、「あ、そうだ!」と手を打つ。 | Naruto burst into laughter and rubbed the bottom of his nose with his finger. And then he clapped his hands together. ‘Ah, that’s right!’ |
「せっかくだからさ、サクラちゃんも教えていってよ。あいつらに組手」 | Since you’re already here, Sakura-chan should also teach them about sparring partners” |
「ええー?私はいいわよ」 | “Ehhh~? That’s okay. I….” |
「いいじゃん、ちょっとぐらい。怪力くノ一 のスゴ技、伝授してやれってばよ」 | “It’ll be fine, right? At least for a little bit. Teach them your amazing skills as a kunoichi with superhuman strength ‘ttebayo! |
「あのね、いちいち怪力ってつけんの――」 | “Erm, every time you add on ‘superhuman strength’….” |
「おーい!お前ら、今目はすげーゲストの先生が来てくれたぞー!」 | “Oi~! An awesome guest sensei came today for you guys~!” |
サクラの抗議に耳を貸さず、ナルトは子どもたちに向けて大声を出した。 「怪力くノ一、春野サクラ先生だってばよ!」 | Without listening to Sakura’s objections, Naruto spoke in a loud voice towards the children. ‘It’s the kunoichi with superhuman strength, Haruno Sakura-sensei ‘dattebayo!” |
「二回も言うかー!」 | “You even said it twice, eh…..!” |
サクラがつっこんだところへ、子どもたちが声をそろえた。 | Shortly after Sakura retorted, the children then gathered their voices. |
「よろしくお願いします。怪力センセー!」 | “I’m looking forward to it, superhuman strength-sensei!” |
「ほら、アンタが余計なこと言うから!」 | “Hey, this is because you said something excessive! “ |
サクラが鼻息を荒くしても、ナルトは取り合わない。 | Even though Sakura was breathing roughly through her nose at him, Naruto didn’t respond. |
「ほら、早く!」と子どもたちのほうへ戻っていく。 | “Hey, hurry up!” He returned back to the children. |
――ったく、アイツは……。 | ――Jeez. That guy……. |
だが、こうなってはサクラも少しは教えていくしかない。かぶりを振りつつ、校庭に足を踏み入れた。 | But since it became like this, Sakura had no choice but to teach for a little bit. While shaking her head, she stepped onto the schoolyard. |
そして、いざ子どもたちに混ざって組手の指導をしてみると、意外なほど気分が晴れていくのがわかった。 | She had now joined in with the children for coaching them as sparring partners. Unexpectedly, Sakura knew that her mood was clearing up. |
一口に指導といっても、子どもたちのレベルはバラバラだから、 そのやり方は相手によって変えなければならない。 驚くほど飲みこみの早い子もいれば、 何度言ってもうまくやれない子もいる。それらはすべて、その子たちの個性だ。 | In summary, the skill levels of the students were diverse. And so even while she was teaching, she had to change her methods according to the sparring partners. Surprisingly, there were children who fast learners. And there were also children who didn’t do well no matter how many times they were told. It all depended on the individual child. |
Pages 112 and 113
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組手の手本を示しながら、それぞれの生徒に合った指導の言葉を考える。体と頭、両方を働かせることで、 ここ数日、心に溜まっていた澱のようなものが洗い流されていくのがわかった。 | While she was showing them examples of movement patterns to the sparring pairs, Sakura was thinking about the words to use for coaching the students. Her teaching was tailored towards each individual student. By putting both aspects of her mind and body to work, she realized something: the sediment that had accumulated within her heart and mind from these past few days was washing away. |
終業のチャイムが鳴るまで、サクラは夢中で指導にのめりこんだ。 稽古の終わりに、ナルトは生徒たちを整列させて言った。 | There was a chime that signaled the end of the school day. Until it sounded, Sakura had been in a trance and was completely absorbed in coaching. At the end of their training, Naruto called out to make the students line up. |
「みんな、よく頑張ったな。――じゃあ最後に、本日のゲスト講師、春野サクラ先生から、 ありがたーい話があるから、よく聞いとくよーに」 | “Everyone, you all did your best. ――Well at last…. Because today’s guest lecturer, Haruno Sakura-sensei, has some kind words to share... listen up well“ |
「はあ!?」 | “Haa!?” |
突然ナルトにそう振られて、サクラは面食らった。 | Since she seemed to be abruptly (put on the spot) by Naruto, Sakura was taken aback. |
「ちょ、ちょっと待ってよ。なにそれ」 | “Wa- wait a second. What are you doing?” |
「なんでもいいからさ。卒業生として、後輩たちに一言」 | “It’s no big deal, anything is fine. As an alumnus, say a word to your kouhai.” |
「なんでもいいって、そんなの急に浮かぶわけ――」 | “You said that ‘It’s no big deal, anything is fine’…The kind of thing that suddenly comes to mind――” |
「サクラ先生、手短にお願いしまーす」 | “Sakura-sensei, please say something briefly” |
と、生徒の一人が言い、周りがどっと笑った。どの時代にもクラスにお調子者はいるのだ。 | One of the pupils was speaking while the surrounding ones burst into laughter. No matter what era it was, there was always someone amongst the class who would readily pipe up with the others; they would get carried away easily. |
――くそ、 ナルトのやつ……! | ――Damn it, that Naruto…..! |
と、横目で睨みつつ、サクラは必死で言葉をひねり出した。 | While giving him a glare with a side glance, Sakura was frantically coming up with the words to say. |
「えと……どうしよう、 こういう展開は予想してなかったんだけど、じゃあ、ほんとに短めにね」 | “Umm, what should I do….Even though I didn’t anticipate a situation like this…Well, it’ll really be pretty short…” |
子どもたちのまっすぐな目に見つめられながら、サクラは話した。 | While gazing straight into the eyes of the students, Sakura then spoke to them |
今日はみんなと稽古ができて、本当に楽しかった。組手は忍の戦いの基本だから、おろそかにせず反復練習しようね。 | Since she was able to train with everyone today, it was really fun. Because sparring in pairs would be the foundation for shinobi battling, they should repetitively practice without neglecting their training. |
そして、最後はこう締めくくった。 | And then, she concluded the ending like so: |
「――それから、みんなのなかにも知ってる子がいるかもしれないけど、私は医療忍者として、『子ども心療室』、というのを作りました。これは、 辛いことがあって心が傷ついてしまった子どもたちに寄り添って、その傷を一緒に治していこうっていうところなの。心って、ほんとに難しいものよね。他人の心がわからないのは当たり前だけど、時々自分の 心がどうなってるかもわからなくなる。体は組手とか訓練で強くなるけど、心はどうすれ ば強くなるんだろうね。これからみんなには、体もそうだけど、心も強い忍者になってほしいなって思います。そのためには、みんな、たくさん失敗して、たくさん恥ずかしい思 いをして、あとはそうだな、たくさん、人を好きになってください。そうすれば、きっとみな ――」 | “――And so among all of you, maybe there’s even a child who knows about it. As medical ninja, I established ‘The Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic’. It’s for children who have been wounded because they have hardships on their minds. It’s a place where we get closer to those children so that we can heal those wounds together. The mind is something that’s truly complicated, isn’t it? Even though it’s natural to not understand the mind of another person, sometimes you might not understand what’s happening in your own mind. Although your body will become stronger by doing things like training and sparring in pairs, you’ll wonder about how your mind will become stronger, right? From now onwards, even if your body is strong, I think that I want all of you to become strong ninja at heart too. In order to do that…Everyone will make a lot of mistakes, and experience a lot of embarrassing feelings…And then later, it’ll happen… please fall in love with someone a lot. When that happens, all of you will surely―― ” |
- たくさん =many, a lot, very much. It’s an all-purpose kind of modifier that you can use for frequency (something happening often), or it can describe quality (richness). The shape of the sentence doesn’t translate well if I tried to keep the original repetition with ‘many’(as in occurrences) with ‘falling in love’. So ‘a lot’ was the only word that seemed to fit all three times it’s used. Her たくさん for the last one is ‘a lot’ but doesn’t mean ‘a lot of people’--> she means to love a person ‘a lot’.
Pages 114 and 115
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(--Page Break//Scene Change--) | (--Page Break//Scene Change--) |
「ほい」とナルトから差し出された缶ジュースを、サクラは「ありがと」と受け取った。 授業が終わり、二人は忍者学校の近くの公園に来ていた。 | Naruto said “Hey” as he held out a can of juice to Sakura. When she took it from him, Sakura said “Thank you”. When the lesson had ended, the two of them went to a pubic park near the academy. |
ベンチに並んで腰かけ、二人でジュースを飲む。 | The two of them were sitting side-by-side on a bench, drinking juice. |
「サンキューな、サクラちゃん。授業手伝ってくれて」 | “Thank you, Sakura-chan, for helping me out with the lesson.” |
「ううん。私のほうこそ楽しかった。いい気分転換になったよ」 | “No problem. It was really fun for me. It was a good change of pace.” |
「ならよかった」 | “Then I’m glad (that you enjoyed it)” |
「でも、ほんと驚いた。ナルト、先生の素質あるんじゃない?」 | “But I was really surprised. Naruto, you have the qualities to be a sensei, don’t you?” |
「へへ、俺ってば落ちこばれだったからさ、できないやつの気持ちがわかるんだってばよ」 | “Heheh…As for me ‘tteba, it’s because I was a student who couldn’t keep up at school very well. I understand the feelings of those who can’t either ‘dattebayo.” |
「そっか……」 | “I see….” |
「つーか、サクラちゃんだってスゲーじゃん。俺なんて、たまに学校来て教えてるだけだけど、サクラちゃんはもっとちゃんとしたやり方で子どもたちの相手してんだろ?」 | “Umm, how should I put it? Sakura-chan was awesome at it. I only occasionally come to the academy to teach, but Sakura-chan had an even better way of doing things while partnering with the children, right?” |
「全然だよ、私なんて」 | “Not at all. As for me…..” |
サクラはかぶりを振った。今、正面から褒められるのは、なんだか少しこたえた。 | Sakura shook her head. She was openly being praised, but she replied only a little for now. |
ジュースを一口飲むと、ほっと息を吐いて続けた。 | After taking a sip of juice and breathing out a sigh of relief, she continued: |
「だめだね、私。さっき子どもたちに、心も強い忍者になってください、なんて言ったけど、それが一番できてないの、今の私だもん」 | “I didn’t do well. I while ago, I told the children to please become ninja who are also strong at heart. I said something like that, but that isn’t the best I can do. As I am now, it’s something...” |
「なんかあったのか?」 | “What happened?” |
ナルトは言って、飲みほしたジュースの缶を、数メートル向こうのゴミ箱にシュートし た。それが見事に決まったのを見て、サクラはふと、ナルトに全部話してみる気になった。 | As Naruto was speaking, he shot his empty juice can into the opposite rubbish bin that was a few metres away. Sakura suddenly judged that it would be a good decision to try and tell Naruto about everything. She became anxious. |
「サスケくんがね…」 | “Sasuke-kun…” |
「サスケェ?」 | “Sasukeh~?” |
「サスケくんが、今、世界のいろんなところで目撃されてるの。でも――」 | “Sasuke-kun has now been sighted in various places around the world, but―― |
この話、ナルトにしてもよかったんだろうか、と一瞬ためらいもあった。だが、結局サクラは話した。いずれナルトの耳には入ることだろうし、それならば自分の口から伝えたかった。 | She wondered if it was even alright to have this conversation with Naruto. She also hesitated for a moment. However, Sakura eventually spoke up. Sooner or later, Naruto would probably hear of it. It that would be the case, then she wanted to tell him about it from her own mouth. |
目撃されているサスケは絶対に偽者で、でも、どうすればそれを証明できるかわからない。 | The Sasuke whom they had sighted was definitely an imposter. However, she didn’t know how she could prove it. |
ナルトは口を挟まずに話を聞いてくれた。そして、言った。 | Naruto listened to the story without interrupting her. Afterwards, he spoke: |
「ふーん、そっかー。そんなことになってんだなー」 | “Hmmm….So that’s how it is. Something like that happened...” |
Pages 116 and 117
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深刻さのかけらもない、軽い口調に、サクラは少し肩すかしを食らったような気がした。 | He said it in a light tone without even a bit of seriousness. Sakura got the impression that he was dodging questions a little bit. |
「そっかーって、アンタ、驚かないの?」 | "You said ‘So that’s how it is’…....Aren’t you surprised?” |
「なんで?だってそのサスケ、ニセモンなんだろ?」 | “What for? But that Sasuke is an imposter, right?” |
「そりゃそうだけど…」 | “That seems right, but…” |
ナルトの薄い反応が、サクラには少し不満だった。驚いたり、怒ったり、もう少し感情を激するかと思ったのだが。 | Sakura was a bit disappointed with Naruto’s slight reaction. She thought that he would be surprised or angry…at least showing a bit more of an intensified emotion. |
「ニセモンなら心配いらねえって。サクラちゃんも、あんま思い詰めんなよ」 | “I’m saying that since it’s an imposter, we shouldn’t be worried. Even Sakura-chan shouldn’t brood over it too much” |
「だけど、誰がどんな目的で、それにどうやって偽者を作り出してるか、まだわからないんだよ?」 | “But who is it? And what is their objective? And besides, how did they make an imposter? We still don’t know, right?” |
「大丈夫だって」 | “I’m saying that it’ll be okay” |
そう言って、ナルトは笑ってみせる。 | As he spoke, Naruto was laughing. |
「はあ」とサクラは潜め息をつく。 | “Haa” Sakura sighed. |
「なんか、アンタと話してると、私ばっか心配してるのが馬鹿らしくなってくるわね。サスケくんも、全然こっちからの連絡に反応してくれないし…」 | “Somehow when I talk with you, the things that I’m always anxious about then become ridiculous things. Even when it’s about Sasuke-kun, and how we haven’t received any response at all from him with our message…” |
「それそれ!」 | “Yeah, that’s it! That’s it!” |
と、ナルトが急に大きな声を出した。 | Naruto suddenly spoke in a loud voice. |
「なによ、急に」 | “What’s with this, so suddenly?” |
「サスケが反応してねえから、俺も心配してねえんだってばよ」 | “It’s because Sasuke isn’t responding. That’s why I’m also not worried ‘dattebayo” |
「全然わかんない」 | “I don’t understand you at all” |
「だからさー」 | “That’s why~” |
なんて言ったらいいのかな、と頭をかき、ナルトは続ける。 | ‘I wonder how I should say it? ’ As Naruto scratched his head, he continued: |
「自分のニセモンがうろついてるのに、アイツが全然里に戻ってこないってことは、アイツ自身、大した事件だと思ってねえんだって」 | “Even if it’s an imposter who’s wandering around as him, he won’t come back to the village at all. Because he’s thinking to himself that it’s not a huge deal. |
「サスケくんが……」 | “Sasuke-kun…..” |
サクラは呟いた。大した事件だと思っていない…… | Sakura murmured. So he doesn’t think that it’s a huge deal… |
「アイツならこう言うってばよ。『……そんなつまらんことで、俺を里に呼ぶな。お前たちでなんとかしろ』」 | “If I were him, he’d say something like this: 『……Don’t call me back to the village for such a trifling thing. Do something about it yourselves. 』 |
ナルトは、サスケのモノマネを交えて、そう言った。 | Naruto said that while he was combining it an imitation of Sasuke. |
サクラは、ついプッと吹き出してしまった。そして、霧が晴れていくように、ナルトの言う通りだと思った。 | Sakura unintentionally burst out laughing. And then it seemed as though a fog was clearing up. It was just as Naruto had said about it. |
自分はなにをクヨクヨしていたんだろう、と思う。後ろ向きの思考が切り替わり、背筋がしゃんとなるのがわかった。 | ‘I wonder what I was worried about’ she thought. She then completely changed her backward thinking. Her back straightened up as she understood. |
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「そっか。そうだよね」 | “I see. That seems right” |
サスケが里に戻ってこないということは、サスケ本人が今回の一件を深刻にとらえていないということ――ナルトらしい単純で明快な意見だが、今のサクラにとってはなにより も救われる言葉だった。 | So that meant that Sasuke wouldn’t return to the village. It meant that Sasuke himself didn’t regard the recent incidents seriously――It seemed simple to Naruto and his clear view of things. But as for Sakura, it was his words had saved her more than everything else for now. |
自然に笑みが浮かんでいたらしい。 | She seemed to be naturally expressing a smile. |
「サクラちゃんは笑ってるのが一番だってばよ」 | “It’s the best when Sakura-chan is smiling ‘dattebayo” |
ナルトが言って、にんまりと歯を見せた。 | As Naruto spoke, he smiled while showing his teeth. |
サクラは大きく息を吸いこんだ。空気までおいしく感じられるのは、気分が変わったからだろう。 | Sakura took a deep breath. Since she felt that the atmosphere was even refreshing, it seemed as though her mood was changing. |
「ありがと、ナルト」 | “Thank you, Naruto” |
サクラは言って、ベンチから立ち上がった。 | As Sakura spoke, she stood up from the bench. |
「アンタと話して元気出たわ」 | “Speaking with you cheered me up” |
ナルトが、にしし、と笑う。 | Naruto laughed slightly with a ‘nishishi’ sound. |
「しっかし、サスケってば、 ほんと困ったやつだよなー。サクラちゃんのこと困らせてばっかなんだから」 | “But about Sasuke ‘tteba…He’s a truly troublesome guy, isn’t he?…Because he’s only been making Sakura-chan troubled over him” |
兄貴風を吹かすナルトがおかしくて、サクラはまた吹き出した。 | It was odd that Naruto was acting so patronizingly. Sakura burst into laughter again. |
//End Translation.
//Section 4 completed.
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