Minggu, 28 Juni 2015


Pages 90 and 91
分厚いガラスの向こうで、キド一派の医療忍者が立ち働いていた。On the opposite side of the thick glass, Kido’s team of medical ninja were working.
試験管を振る者や、測定器を使う者、そして紫色のカプセルを箱に詰める者など、いろいろだった。There were various people: one was shaking test tubes, another was using a measuring instrument, and then someone else was packing violet capsules into boxes.
「順調か?」“Is everything going well?”
カプセルを箱に詰めている部下を見ながら、キドは隣に立つマギレに聞いた。Kido asked Magire while he was overlooking the subordinate who was packing the capsules into boxes. Kido was standing next to Magire.
「順調です。今月の予定量は問題なくクリアできそうです。以上です」“It’s going well. It seems that we’ll be able to clear the scheduled amount for the month without any problems. That’s all.”
マギレの平板な声が返ってくる。Magire’s monotonous voiced replied back to him.
キドが里のはずれに作った研究施設だった。ここでは、マギレの指揮のもと、 日々さまざまな薬品が研究・製造されていた。施設は地下にあり、地上部分の建物は、カムフラージュのためにレンガ造りの倉庫になっていた。この地下施設の存在は、無論キド一派しか知らない。Kido had constructed a research facility on the outskirts of the village. Under Magire’s direction, they researched and produced various medications there every day. Their facility was underground. In order to camouflage the facility, they used a brick warehouse. That was the portion of the facility that was an above-ground building. Of course, the existence of the underground facility was only known to Kido’s team.
培地の様子はどうだ? 家に帰りたいと泣いてるんじゃないのか?」“How is the condition of the culture medium? Don’t you cry when you want to return home? “
「泣いてはいません。というよりも、薬で朦朧とさせていますので、培地の感情は見えなくなっています。以上です」“I don’t cry. Rather, it’s because the medicine is making me feel faint. So I won’t show my feelings about the culture medium. That’s all.”
「そうか」“Is that so?”
悪いやつがいるものだな、とキドはニタリと笑った。それにしても、と話題を変える。‘That difficult guy was someone whom I need, right?’ Kido smirked and laughed. Anyway, he changed the subject.
「予算会議はうまくいった。 拍子抜けするほどだったな」“The budget meeting went smoothly. It was practically anti-climatic. ”
「しかし、はたけカカシは、 大名と御意見番の襲撃が、 我々のやってことだと気づいたかもしれません。以上です」“However, Hatake Kakashi might have realized that the attack on the Daimyo and the Honorable Council was done by us. That’s all. ”
「気づかれてもかまわん。むしろ気づかないような男なら、今日まで生きのびて火影になどなっていないだろう」“I don’t care if he notices. If he was the type of man who didn’t notice it instead, then he probably wouldn’t have survived for long as the Hokage, or even until today. “
気づかれてもかまわない、というのは、負け惜しみではなく本心だった。.He meant that it didn’t even matter if Kakashi noticed him as a sore loser, (as long as he didn’t notice) his true motives.
今回の二件の襲撃事件は、 キドにとってあくまでテストにすぎなかった。Those two recent incidents (when they attacked the Daimyo and Homura) were merely tests for Kido anyway.
――尾獣ドラッグ。―― The tailed-beast drugs
  • There are emphasis marks in the novel, so I have to approximate it by bolding it here~~ The culture medium is some serious business.
  • Magire is the one appending以上です (ijyou desu= That’s all) to the ends of his sentences. It’s just a verbal quirk…so just roll with it~

Pages 92 and 93
テストの結果は上々だった。 尾獣ドラッグで能力を向上させた刺客は、 キドの指示通り、大名のそばにクナイを投げこみ、御意見番を浅く斬りつけ、 警備の上忍の追跡をかわして、現場からうまく逃走してみせた。そして、キドはその事件をダシにして、 暗部への予算を上積みさせた。The last result was superb. With assassins who had augmented abilities with the tailed-beast drug, as well as Kido’s instructions, (they managed to pull off the incidents). They had flung a kunai near the Daimyo and caused a shallow cut (on Homura from) the Honourable Council. They had avoided the pursuit of the Jounin gaurds and skillfully escaped from the scene of the crimes. And so, Kido used those two incidents as excuses in order to raise the budget for the ANBU.
尾獣ドラッグは使える、とキドは手ごたえを感じていた。 それは二つの意味でだ。服用した人間にとっても、そして政治的な駆け引きにも使える、という意味でも。Kido felt that the tailed-beast drug would be useful, based on the feedback. That was the significance for the two incidents: It was meaningful and useful to have two people dosed with the medicine, and then even using the incidents as political leverage.
だが、はたけカカシという男に関しては、今後も油断のならない相手だと見なければならなかった。ふだんは眠たげな目をした男だが、要所で働かせるカンは鋭い。今回も、元暗部のサイを動かしている。As for Hatake Kakashi, they must view him as a cunning enemy from now onwards. He had perpetual sleepy eyes, but he had a useful, sharp intuition for vital points. Even recently, he had mobilized the original ANBU member, Sai.
「サイがまだ我々の周りをちょろちょろしているようだな」“It seems that Sai is still circling around us”
キドは言った。Kido said.
先日、刺客を二人、サイに差し向けたが、失敗したとの報告を受けている。一人は爆死したというから、尋問に対して口を割ろうとしたのだろう。A few days ago, he had sent two assassins directly for Sai. However, he had received reports that they had failed. Because one of them had died from an explosion, he probably tried to start talking due to an interrogation.
大名と御意見番のときもそうしたが、刺客には全員呪印を施して放っている。At the time of the incidents with the Daimyo and the Honourable Council, all of the assassination members were given cursed seals.
任務をなしとげて帰還した者だけが、その呪印を解かれるのだ。Only those who returned from a successful mission would have their cursed seals removed.
マギレが言った。Magire then spoke:
「先日の失敗は、私の見積もりが誤っていたせいです。尾が一本の者を二名行かせたので すが、元々のスキルとチャクラが不足していたようです。以上です」“The failure from the other day was due to a mistake in my estimates. As for those two people who went with just one tail, it seems that their skill-level and chakra were insufficient. That’s all “
「まあ、いいだろう。失敗はしたが、警告の意味にはなった。いよいよになれば、もっと尾の数の多い者を行かせればいい」“Well, that’s fine. Even though it was a failure, it was meant to be a warning. When it finally happens, and there are many people with an even higher number of tails, we should make them go (on the missions). “
キドは言った。Kido said.
ここで計画をとん挫させるわけにはいかないのだ。We mustn’t abandon the plan here.
里の予算のスケールなどとは比べものにならないほどの金――There was practically no point in comparing their money to the scale of the village’s budget ――
それを手にするには、まだもう少しやることがあった。Even to obtain it, there would still a bit more to do.
――キド、よかったな。これでお前もみんなのように忍者学校に行けるぞ……―― Kido, this is great. With this, you’ll also be able to go to the Academy just like everyone else….
――うん、お父さん、ありがとう!―― Yes, Father…. Thank you!
不意に脳裏をよぎった記憶が、キドの表情を硬くしていた。Suddenly, that memory came to mind. Kido’s facial expression then stiffened.
「金だ…もっと、金が……」“It’s money….More money…..”
心に浮かんだ呪詛が声となってもれていた。A curse came to mind, and it escaped through his voice.

//End Translation.
//Section 4 completed.
//Chapter 3 completed!

93/246 pages= ~38% of the light novel translated~

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