Minggu, 28 Juni 2015


Pages 96 and 97
サイはキドの監視を開始していた。Sai had started his surveillance of Kido.
医療忍者のマギレとよく行動をともにし、里内にキドがいくつか所有する、隠れ家や訓練施設などを時々見回っているということはわかったが、それらの訪問先で、キドがなにをしているのかまではわからなかった。He often mobilized together with Magire, the medical ninja. Within the village, Kido owned several hideouts and training facilities. And so, Sai knew that he would occasionally patrol them. However, Sai didn’t know whatever Kido was doing at those locations.
施設のいくつかは、周囲に感知用の札が置かれ、迂闊には近寄れなかった。At several of the institutions, Kido had placed sensory tags around the perimeter. And so, Sai could not carelessly approach them.
侵入自体は不可能ではなかったが、向こうは、サイが事件について調べていることを知っている。深追いして、証拠の隠滅を図られるのも得策ではない。かといって、ただ遠巻きに行動を監視しているだけでは、状況を打開できない。Even though trespassing in itself wasn’t impossible, the enemies knew that Sai was investigating into the incidents. If he pursued them too much, it wouldn’t be a good plan if they then attempted to destroy the evidence. On the other hand, if he only conducted his surveillance at a distance as usual, Sai wouldn’t be able to break the deadlock of the situation.
なにか、突破口が欲しかった。He needed to breach it somehow.
キドのマークを開始して、三日が過ぎた。 自宅に戻る途中、サイは、道端の電柱に小さな印がつけられているのに気づいた。Three days had elapsed since Kido had been marked (as a suspect). On his way home, Sai noticed a little seal that was affixed on a roadside telephone pole.
情報屋からの伝言だった。印の意味は、サイにしてかわからない。情報屋は、サイと会って話がしたいようだった。It was a message from his informant. Sai didn’t understand the meaning of the seal, but it seemed as though his informant wanted to meet up to talk.
情報屋に調べるように頼んだ、手配書の上位者についての情報は、キドをマークしている今、差し当たって知りたいことではない。だが、調べてくれたことに対しては報酬を支払わなければならなかった。He had requested that his informant investigate a few high-ranked people from the bingo-book. Now that he had marked Kido, Sai didn’t want to know the information about them for the time being. But since his informant had investigated for him, Sai had to compensate him.
翌日、サイは情報屋と落ち合った。The next day, Sai met up with his informant.
前回会った森ではなく、街中のビルの屋上だった。They didn’t meet in the forest like the last time. Instead, they met on the streets and on a rooftop of a building.
大きな給水タンクのかげで、サイは情報屋と対面した。There was a large water supply tank behind them where Sai and the informant had met up.
「サイさんに言われた三名。調べてみたんですが、どうやら全員シロのようですね」“As for the three people whom Sai-san told me about, I tried to investigate them. However, it seems that all of them are cleared of suspicion.”
情報屋は言った。The informant said.
「 霧の抜け忍のテンゼンは、この一年ずっと雲隠れの里の近くで悪さをしてるし……、犯罪結社『亡』のバラキも、別の結社に吸収されて、昔ほどの力はないみたいです。魂抜きのゲンバに関しちゃ、半年前に病気で死んでましたよ」“ Tenzen, the nukenin from Kirigakure, has always been near Kumogakure to cause mischief for the past year……. Baraki, the one from the crime organization “Bou”, has been absorbed into another organization too. It doesn’t seem as if he holds the same power as he used to in his former days. As for Genba from the Tamanuki, he passed away half a year ago from an illness. “
「そうか。ありがとう」“I see. Thank you. “
サイは礼を言って、約束の報酬を払った。Sai thanked him, and then paid him the reward that they had agreed upon.
「他に、なにか気になる話はないか?」“Aside from that, isn’t there something to talk about that’s been on your mind?”
サイが聞くと、情報屋は意味深な笑みを浮かべた。When Sai asked him, the informant expressed a smile with an underlying hint.
「や、まあ、実は大ネタがあるっちゃあるんですが……でもこれは、サイさんが今調べてる事件と関係なさそうですからね……」“Ah, well….Actually, there’s some huge information. But it’s something that doesn’t seem to be connected to the incident that Sai-san is investigating for now….”

Pages 98 and 99
「かまわないよ。話してくれ」“It doesn’t matter. Tell me about it”
「いただけますか?」“Can I say it?”
これ、と情報屋は指で丸を作り、笑ってみせた。The informant said it while laughing and making a circle with his fingers (into an ‘okay’ sign).
「内容によるね」“That depends on the subject”
サイが促すと、情報屋は言った。When Sai prompted him, his informant spoke:
「――今回、サイさんに言われた三人の消息を調べるために、俺、結構いろんな土地を回ったんですよ。そうしたらちらほら耳に入ってきたんですよ、うちはサスケの目撃談が」“――In order to investigate the circumstances of the three people whom Sai-san told me about, I visited several lands. While I was doing so, I’d hear about something every now and then. They were first-hand accounts of Uchiha Sasuke.”
「サスケの?」“About Sasuke?”
サイはわずかに眉根を寄せた。Sai slightly furrowed his eyebrows.
「別に目撃されるぐらいいいだろう。サスケは今、罪を償うための旅をしているんだ」“In particular, I guess that it’s good that he has almost been sighted. For now, Sasuke is on a journey in order to atone for his sins.”
「ええ、あの人が世界を旅してるのは知ってます。でもね、聞こえてきた話が、どうもその、穏やかじゃない」“Well, I know that he’s traveling the world. But from the stories that I’ve heard, somehow he’s been disquieting”
「というと?」“What do you mean?”
「たとえば、どこそこの洞窟で、闇の武器商人を襲っただとか、 某国の暗黒街で、それこそ犯罪結社みたいなのと接触したとか」“For example, he went to a cave somewhere and attacked a shady arms dealer. In a certain country’s underworld of organized crime, he was in contact with something like a crime organization. “
「サスケがどうして武器商人な人かを襲う人だ?」“Why would Sasuke attack someone who’s an arms dealer?”
「俺もよくは知りませんよ?ただ、その話を教えてくれたやつが言うには、『木ノ葉でテロを起こすつもりだから、安く大量に忍具をよこせ』てなことをサスケがその商人に言ったんですって。で、まあ、そんなこと言われりゃあ、相手は断りまさあね。そしたらサスケは、でっけえ火の玉吹き出して相手をぶっ殺しちまったとか。犯罪結社のほうも、そんな感じで交渉決裂になって、結局は同じことになったみたいですけど…」“I also don’t understand it well, but the guy who told me about the stories quoted: ‘Because I intend to cause terrorism in Konoha, hand over a large quantity of cheap ninja weaponry’. That’s what Sasuke had told the dealer. But, well….after he said something like that, the enemies refused his request. Then he blew out a huge fireball that killed them. From the perspective of the crime organization, it felt as though the negotiations had broken down. But in the end, it seemed like it became the same result….”
「いつの頃の話だ?」“About when did you hear the stories?”
「ここ一、二週間のことだと思いますけどね……」“I think that it’s been one, maybe two weeks, but…..”
サイはかぶりを振った。ありえない話だった。Sai shook his head. It was an improbable story.
「サスケがそんなことするはずがないよ。なにかの間違いだ」“Sasuke wouldn’t do something like that. They’re somehow mistaken”
「わかってますって。俺はただ、こんな噂を聞きましたよって話をしただけで……。やだな、そんな怖い目して」“I know that. But it’s because I only heard the rumours, and so I’m just reporting on it…..There’s no way… so it’s a scary realization.”
情報屋はスキンヘッドをつるりと撫でた。The informant rubbed his bald head.
「あ、それはそうと、次の里の予算、暗部に多く回るそうですね」“Ah, by the way…aren’t they vastly raising the village’s next budget for the ANBU?”
サイの機嫌を損ねてしまったと思ったのか、情報屋は愛想笑いを浮かべて、話をつないだ。Thinking about whether or not he had offended Sai, the informant expressed a forced smile. He had connected the stories.

Pages 100 and 101
「サイさんが今調べてる、その、御意見番が襲われた事件、そいつを引き合いに出して、 暗部のナントカって人が一席ぶったんでしょう?」“For now, Sai-san is investigating the incident when the Honourable Council was attacked. In reference to that, does it have something to do with the ANBU personnel?
「有能な情報屋だな、アンタは。もうそんなことまで耳に入ってるのか」“You’re a skilled informant, aren’t you? Since you even heard as far as those kinds of things”
「へへ、まあ、いろいろとありまして」“Heheh… Well, there’s various things”
情報屋は上目使いになった。The informant gave him an upward glance.
サイはもうここから去りたかったが、情報屋は続けた。Even though Sai already wanted to leave from there, the informant continued talking:
「――しかし、暗部ってところも、ほんとよくわかんない組織ですね。名前の通り暗殺もするんでしょうが、要人警護もするみたいだし、サイさんみたいに、なんか事件が起これば調べたりもするんでしょう?」”――However, the ANBU are not a well understood organization, right? They assassinate people when given their names, right? It seems like they escort important people. When some sort of incident happens, they investigate it like you do, right Sai-san? ”
「ボクはもう暗部に籍はないよ。でもまあ、暗部が謎だらけの組織だっていうのは確かにそうだ。ボクだって、なかにいてもよくわからなかった」“I’m not associated with the ANBU anymore. Anyway, the ANBU is an organization that’s surely full of mysteries. Even when I was in it, I didn’t understand it well”
「あれでしょう?戦いが終わったら、その現場に行って、いろんな資料とか集めたりもするんでしょう?」“Oh really? When a battle ends, don’t you go to that scene and gather various data and things? “
サイは怪訝な顔になった。Sai had a dubious expression on his face.
「なんだそれは? 」“What are you talking about?”
「戦闘の記録かなんかをデータベースにしてるんじゃないですか?ちょくちょく同業者から耳にしますよ。忍界大戦が終わってすぐくらいに、終末の谷の周辺で、木ノ葉の暗部の仮面をつけたやつを見かけたって。なんか、あそこらへんの土とか岩の破片を持って帰ってたそうですけど」” Don’t they make something like a database of battle records? I often hear about it from people who do similar duties. About immediately after the Great Ninja War, I happened to notice guys wearing ANBU masks from Konoha. They were near the Valley of The End. It seems that they took something from around there…But they took rock fragments and things from the ground.”
サイは首をかしげた。Sai tilted his head.
暗部の扱う任務は、確かに暗殺以外にも多岐にわたるが、戦地の土を持って帰るような話は聞いたことがなかった。As for the missions that the ANBU handled, they certainly covered a broad range of topics aside from assassinations. But he hadn’t heard of such stories where they took things back from the ground of a battlefront.
「忍界大戦のすぐあとぐらいと言ったか?」“Did you say that this was almost immediately after the Great Ninja War?”
「ええ。あと、橋の名前なんでしたっけ、サスケと、六代目になりそこねたダンゾウ様、 あの人が戦った橋。同じ頃その橋のあったところにも木ノ葉の暗部が調査に入ったとかっ て、これは別のやつから。だから俺、てっきり暗部の人って、そういう仕事もすんのかな って」“Yeah. Afterwards….What’s the name of that bridge again?....Sasuke and Danzo-sama…the one who missed out on becoming the Rokudaime Hokage….It was at the bridge where they battled. Anyway, around the same time-frame afterwards, I guess they met at the bridge and the Konoha ANBU came to investigate. But they were different people. That’s why I’m sure that they were ANBU personnel. They were doing that sort of mission, I think. ”
サイは腕を組み、黙りこんだ。Sai folded his arms and fell silent.
情報屋が雑談の流れで口にした話は、妙にサイの心に引っかかった。The story and the flow of the chat with the informant was strangely stuck in Sai’s mind.
「あのー、サイさん?」“Umm…. Sai-san?”
「また連絡するよ」“Let’s get in contact again”
サイは言うと、追加の報酬を情報屋の手に押しつけて、 その場を離れた。As Sai said so, he pressed an additional reward into the hands of the informant. Sai then left from their location.

//End Translation.
//Section 1 completed.
101/246 pages= ~41% of the light novel translated~

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