Minggu, 28 Juni 2015


Pages 102 and 103
「どうも情勢がよくないね」“No matter what, the situation isn’t good”
というのが、カカシの第一声だった。That was the first thing that Kakashi said.
サスケの件について話があると言われ、サクラはいのとともに火影室に呼び出されていた。Both Sakura and Ino were summoned to the office of the Hokage. He said that they had to talk about the stories regarding Sasuke.
「よくないって、先生…」“Sensei, so you said that it isn’t good…”
サクラが机に歩み寄ると、カカシは言った。Sakura stepped towards his desk as Kakashi spoke.
「砂以外でもサスケの姿が目撃されてる。それも、複数回だ」“Sasuke’s appearance was sighted somewhere aside from Suna. In addition, it was multiple times. ”
サスケは闇の武器商人や、犯罪結社と接触し、 いずれの場合も、「木ノ葉でテロを計画している」と相手に告げたようだった。そして、 協力しろと持ちかけて、断られたら相手を殺す、という展開も砂隠れで我愛羅から聞いた話と同じだった。Sasuke was in contact with a shady arms dealer as well as a crime organization. Even during both cases, he seemed to inform the enemies that “ I’m planning terrorism on Konoha” And so, he suggested their cooperation. The ones who refused were killed. This development was also the same story as they had heard from Gaara in Sunagakure.
「先生はその話、どこから?」“Where are these stories from, Sensei?”
サクラが聞くと、Sakura asked.
「うん、サイがね、情報屋から聞いてきた話なんだか…」“Yes, they’re from Sai. He heard some of the stories from an informant…”
「サイが?どうしてサイが情報屋と接触してるんですか?」“Sai? Why is Sai in contact with an informant?”
それは、いのが聞いた。Ino asked.
「いや、あいつに、ちょっと調べものを頼んでてね。その経過報告のときに聞いたんだけど」“No…I mean Sai had requested him to investigate a little bit into something. However, I heard it when he gave his progress report”.
「調べものって、ひょっとして前に言ってた、里がきな臭くなってるってやつですか? サイはそれを調べてるんですか?」“You said that he was investigating something….Does it happen to be about what you said earlier, about someone doing suspicious things in the village? Was Sai investigating that?”
いのの矢継ぎ早の質問に、カカシは、「うん、まあそう」と苦笑いしつつ認める。Ino fired a rapid succession of questions. Kakashi acknowledged it with a bitter smile and responding with a ‘Yes, it’s like that.”
「あいつ一人ですか? 危険なことはさせてないでしょうね」“Is he on his own? You shouldn’t allow him to do dangerous things, you know”
さらにいのが聞くと、Ino asked him even more things.
「それは大丈夫だって。 あんまり無理はするなって言ってあるし、あいつはそこら辺の距離感は心得てるやつだよ。ナルトじゃないんだから」とカカシ。“It’s alright. I told him not to overdo it too much. He’s someone who’s thoroughly informed in that area about his own sense of (how far he should push himself). It’s because he’s not like Naruto” said Kakashi.
しきりにサイの身を案じるいのに、カカシはなにかを察したかもしれないが、ここではなにも言わなかった。Ino was often anxious about Sai himself. Kakashi might have sensed something about her, but he didn’t say anything about it just then.
「サスケくんのことですけど」 と、サクラは聞いた。“But about Sasuke-kun….” Sakura asked.

Pages 104 - 106
「このままだとどうなりますか?」“What will happen if this continues as it is?”
「このままだと、そうだな」“If this continues as it is, well…..”
カカシは咳払いして、続けた。Kakashi cleared his throat and then continued:
「国際指名手配されて、世界中から追っ手が差し向けられる」“He’ll be put on an international wanted list. They’ll send people to pursue him from around the world.”
サクラは息を吸いこんだ。Sakura took a breath.
「ただまあ、一足飛びにそういうことになるんじゃなくて、まずは五影会談が招集されるだろうな。サスケはナルトと一緒に世界を救った英雄でもある。そういう男を、なんの話 し合いもなく指名手配するようなことはせんよ」” Well, but…it won’t be decided in one leap like that. Firstly, I think we’ll convene in a Five-Kage Summit. Sasuke is also a hero who saved the world together with Naruto . A man like that won’t be put on the wanted list like that without any joint discussions. ‘
「だったら大丈夫じゃない?」“If that’s the case, it’ll be okay, right?”
いのが明るく言った。Ino brightly said.
「だって今の五影は、 一緒に忍界大戦を戦った仲間なんだから、目撃されてるサスケくんが偽者だってことぐらい、すぐにわかってくれるでしょ」“But the current Five Kages fought together with him as comrades during the Great Shinobi World War. At least they’ll know that it’s an imposter Sasuke-kun that they had sighted. They’ll immediately understand that, right?”
そう楽観的でいいのだろうか。サクラの胸に兆した不安は、続くカカシの言葉でさらに膨らむ。It really seemed optimistic and good, right? Sakura felt signs of anxiety within her chest. Those feelings swelled as Kakashi continued his words again:
「しかし、 里長個人の気持ちはそうでも、各里の内部の声がそうでない場合もあるからな。 里の声の代弁昔という立場でもある。サスケ討つべしという声が高い里が出てくわば、五影全員の足並みがそろうとは限らん。追っ手の編成だけでもやっておこう、なんて言う里も出てくるかもしれない」“However, even if the individual heads of the villages feel like that, it doesn’t mean that it’ll still be the case that the voices from within each of the villages (will agree with them). The perspective from the old days was that they speak vicariously as the voice of the villages. If there are many voices from the villages who say that Sasuke must be defeated, then all of the Five Kages might follow that same line of thinking. They’ll just cooperate to form a group in pursuit of him. Maybe that will happen with that kind of talk from the villages. “
「そんな…」“They’ll do something like that…”
いのの表情が曇る。Ino’s facial expression dimmed.
「もし五影会談があったら、私も同行させてください」“If there will be a Five-Kage Summit, please allow me to also accompany you”
サクラは強い口調で言った。Sakura responded with a strong tone of voice.
「間違ってもサスケくんを指名手配犯なんかにさせられませんから」“Because no matter what, I won’t allow Sasuke-kun to be a wanted criminal or something like that”
「わかってるよ。もし会談が招集されたら、そうする。ま、しかし、 本音を言うなら、サクラじゃなく、サスケ本人が出てきて、潔白を主張してくれるのが一番なんだけどね」“I understand. If the Summit convenes, I’ll let you. Well…but the one who says his real motives…shouldn’t be Sakura, but rather Sasuke himself. Although the first thing to do would be to insist on his innocence.”
どこでなにしてんだか、とカカシがぼやく。‘How far with this should we go?’ Kakashi grumbled.
「連絡ポイントに伝言とかは託してあるんですか?」“Did we entrust a contact point with a message or something?”
いのが聞いた。Ino asked.
「そりゃ、もちろん。お前のニセモノが出た、至急連絡乞う、てな。でも、今んところ反応なし」“Yeah, of course. ‘An imposter of you appeared. We’re requesting urgent contact with you.’ Something like that. But so far, there’s no response. “
いのが、はあ、と溜め息をつく。Ino sighed with a ‘Haa’ sound.
「もし、サスケくんが出てこないなら……今あちこちで目撃されてるサスケくんが、 偽者だっていうことを私たちが証明するしかないですね」“But what if Sasuke-kun doesn’t appear?..... We would have no choice but to prove that the Sasuke-kun who’s now been sighted in various places… is actually an imposter.”
サクラが言った。Sakura said.
「それはそうだが、できるか?我愛羅が感知したチャクラは、サスケのものだった。五影会談が開かれたら、我愛羅としてもそのことに触れざるをえないだろう。そうなったとき、この仕掛けがわからないと他の里長を説得できない」“Well that’s true. But can we do that? The thing that Gaara had perceived was Sasuke’s chakra. If that’s exposed at the Five-Kage Summit, it might be because even Gaara has no choice but to mention it. When that happens, our objections won’t be understood. Then the heads of the other villages cannot be persuaded.”
サクラは唇を噛んだ。Sakura bit her lip.
「やるしかないです」“We have no choice but to do it”
言ったが、声に力はこもらなかった。Even though she said it, she didn’t fully put strength into her voice.

//End Translation.
//Section 2 completed.

106/246 pages= ~43% of the light novel translated~

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