Minggu, 28 Juni 2015


Page 141
サクラといのの聞きこみは最初、難航した。At the beginning, Sakura and Ino had difficulties with their investigation.
そもそも南賀ノ神社というところが、里のはずれに位置していて、 周囲にあまり人家がない場所なのだ。First of all, the place called the Naka Shrine was located at the outskirts of the village. Around that location, there weren’t too many homes.
加えて、大戦すぐあと、という時期もネックだった。Furthermore, the timing was also a barrier (since they were asking about events that happened) immediately after the great war.
大戦が終わって、もう二年以上が経っている。人々の記憶も薄れかけている頃なのだ。Already, more than two years had elapsed since the end of the great war. The people’s memories of the events had also started to fade.
やっと実のある話を聞けたのは、二人が神社付近で聞きこみを開始して、 三日目のことだった。Finally, on their third day after the two of them had began their investigation near the Naka Shrine, they heard a substantial story.
「暗部の人なら見かけましたよ! 三人ぐらいいたかなあ!」“I happened to notice the ANBU! I think that there were about three people!”
と、その人物――ロック・リーは言った。The person who said that was Rock Lee.
「それって、時期は?」“About when (did you see them)?
サクラが聞くと、Sakura asked.

Pages 142 and 143
「二年ちょっとくらい前ですかね」“I think it was around two years ago”
リーはそう答えた。Lee answered.
「ボク、ランニングでたまにこの辺りに来るんですよ。今日もそうなんですけどね。ほら、 ここって普段あまり人けのない場所じゃないですか。だからその日、暗部を見かけたことは記憶に残ってます。ま、でも、暗部は任務次第でどこにでも現れますからね。特に怪し いとも思わなかったんですけど」“ I occasionally come by this area while I go running. I even went today like this. Well, isn’t it usually a pretty deserted area? That why I remembered that I happened to notice the ANBU on that day. Well…but…That’s because ANBU appear anywhere, and it depends upon the mission, right? That’s why I didn’t even think that it was especially suspicious though. “
サクラはいのと顔を見合わせてうなずいた。Sakura and Ino exchanged glances and nodded.
「サクラさんといのさん、なにを調べてるんですか?ボクでよければ、スーパー力になりますよ!?」“Sakura-san and Ino-san, what are you investigating? If it’s alright with you, can I be super helpful!?”
と、リーは言ってくれたが、サクラといのは、「うん、なにかあったらお願いするね」と、 やんわりかわしておいた。Even though Lee had offered, Sakura and Ino gently dodged a response with “ Sure. If something happens, we’ll ask you for help.”
リーも、ナルトに似て突っ走ってしまう傾向がある。今、二人がやっている、証拠固めのような作業には不向きだろう、と思ったのだ。Lee was also similar to Naruto in that he had a tendency to be in a rush . But as for the things that (Sakura and Ino) were doing for now, which was working on collecting evidence, the two of them thought that (Naruto and Lee) would be unsuitable for the work.
夕刻、サクラたちはサイと落ち合い、今日一日の調査結果を報告し合った。 自宅へ帰る道すがら、サクラの足取りは軽かった。ささやかでも成果があったからだ。In the evening, Sakura and Ino met up with Sai. Today, they would meet up together to report on the results from that day’s work. As she was returning home, Sakura walked along the way with a light gait; Because even though it was trivial, they had results.
少ずしつでもキドを包囲していけば、それはサスケを救うことにつながる。If they could implicate Kido little by little, it would be connected to saving Sasuke.
そう思うだけで、サクラの気力は充実した。By just thinking about it, Sakura’s willpower was replenished.
「放せと言ってるだろ!」“I said to let go of me!”
突然怒鳴り声が聞こえ、サクラはびくりと足を止めた。家の近くの路地に差しかかったところだった。Suddenly, she heard an angry voice. Sakura stopped walking in surprise. It came from somewhere near an alleyway that was close to home.
サクラは路地を覗きこんだ。もう夜だったが、街灯の光がわずかながら届いているため、 真っ暗ではなかった。Sakura peeped into the alleyway. It was already evening, but since the light from the streetlights were shining just a little bit, she wasn’t in complete darkness.
一人の男が、複数の男に地面に押さえつけられていた。押さえつけている男たちは暗部 の仮面をつけている。One man was being pinned down to the ground by several other men. The men who were pressing him down were wearing ANBU masks.
「いいから放せ!」“That’s enough, let me go!”
「黙れ!お前にはテロの嫌疑がかかっているんだ!」“Shut up! You are suspected of being a terrorist!”
「それは俺じゃないと言ってるだろう!」“I’m saying that it’s not me!”
言い争う声のうち、組み伏せられているほうの声にサクラは覚えがあった。Among the voices who were quarreling, Sakura remembered the voice of the one who was being pinned down.
サクラは声を上げた。Sakura raised her voice.
組み伏せられている男が顔を上げた。The man who was being pinned down then lifted up his face.

Page 144
やはりサスケだった。As expected, it was Sasuke.
「こいつらに言ってくれ。 里に戻ってきたら、いきなり襲いかかってきたんだ。俺がテロリストを殺したなどとって…」“Please tell them. When I returned back to the village, I was suddenly attacked. They’re saying that I killed terrorists and such…”
放してあげてください、 と言おうとして、サクラはその声を飲みこんだ。She tried to tell them to please let him go, but Sakura suppressed her voice.
「待って。ほんとにサスケくん?」“Wait. Are you really Sasuke-kun?”
サクラは慎重に聞いた。 なにしろ今日までずっと偽者のサスケのことで考えたり、動いたりしていたのだ。どうしても疑心暗鬼になってしまう。Sakura asked him cautiously. At any rate, she was always thinking about the imposter Sasuke. That is until today, when she was wavering about it. No matter what, she was becoming wary and suspicious of him.
サスケは、はっと短く息を吐いた。Sasuke abruptly took a short breath.
「お前にそんなことを言われるとはな。 同期の顔を忘れたのか。もっとよく見てみろ」“It’s as I was telling you. Did you forget the face of your peer? Try to take an even better look at me”
という一言に、一瞬の魔が潜んでいた。There was an instant demon lurking within his remarks as he spoke.
サクラが反射的にサスケの目を見返した瞬間、 視界がぐにゃりと歪んだ。The moment that Sakura reflexively stared back into Sasuke’s eyes, her field of vision distorted like a haze.
立っていられなくなった。が、それほど強い幻術ではなかった。乱されたチャクラをすぐに元に戻し、体勢を立て直した。She wasn’t able to stand up. But it wasn’t a strong genjutsu to much of an extent. She instantly restored her disturbed chakra back to normal, and then recomposed her stance.
直後、背後に気配を感じた。Immediately afterwards, she sensed a presence from behind.
振り返ろうとしたとき、首筋にチクリとした痛みを感じた。When she tried to look over her shoulder, she felt an ache of prickling pain at the nape of her neck.
なにかの薬を入れられる感覚があった。It was the sensation of being injected with some sort of drug.
膝に力が入らなくなった。がくりとくずおれ、 うつ伏せに倒れた。There wasn’t any power flowing into her knees. Losing her strength, she then collapsed. She fell and was laying face-down on the ground.
  • 疑心暗鬼= ‘Gishinanki’= “Once you suspect something, everything else will look suspicious”; A proverb that means something like ‘a doubtful mind will create demons in the darkness’. Obviously this doesn’t fit very naturally into a sentence (I ended up going with ‘wary and suspicious’) so I thought I would explain it fully here~

//End Translation.
//Section 3 completed.
144/246 pages= ~59% of the light novel translated~


Pages 139 and 140
キドは焦れていた。Kido was becoming irritated.
サスケの偽者を動かし、世界各地で目撃させるところまでは首尾よくいった。だが、肝心の本物のサスケが里に現れない。He had successfully mobilized the imposter Sasuke so that he would even be sighted all over the world. However, the crucial and genuine Sasuke hadn’t appeared in the village.
――なぜ、戻らない…?――Why won’t he return?
本物のサスケが、この状況を知らないはずがない。必ずどこかで耳にしているはずだ。It was impossible that the genuine Sasuke didn’t know about these circumstances. Surely, he ought to have heard of it somewhere.
サスケの無反応が、キドには気に入らなかった。キドのやろうとしていることを、サスケは歯牙にもかけていない、という感じが、その無反応から匂ってくるからだ。Kido was not pleased with Sasuke’s non-reaction. It seemed as though Sasuke wasn’t paying attention to the things that Kido was trying to do. Because that’s the impression that came reeking from his non-reaction.
だが、キドは焦れつつも、一つ妙案を思いついていた。However, while Kido was getting irritated, an ingenious idea came to mind.
この手を打てば、サスケが里に戻る公算が高まるだけでなく、もう一つキドの計画にとって好材料が生まれることになる。If he took this measure, not only would he raise the likelihood of Sasuke returning to the village, but it would also produce good material for Kido’s plans.
「――次の手を打つ」"――We'll take the next measure"
執務室でキドは言うった。マギレと、他に数名の幹部がいた。幹部は、 暗部の仮面をつけている。Kido was speaking in the office. Aside from Magire, there were several other executives. The executives were wearing ANBU masks.
「この女を――」”This woman――”
と言って、キドは右手を軽く振った。 一瞬後、壁に一本のクナイが突き刺さった。クナイは一枚の写真を壁に留めていた。As he spoke, Kido nimbly swung his right hand. A moment later, a kunai pierced the wall. The kunai affixed a photo onto the wall.
「さらえ。 サスケと同期の、春野サクラという女だ。 女が行方不明になった、というニュースがサスケの耳に入れば、サスケは里に戻るだろう」“Kidnap her. She is Sasuke’s peer, a woman named Haruno Sakura. If that woman went missing, and if Sasuke hears that news, I think that Sasuke will return to the village.”
「それなら、いっそ殺してしまうというったのは?」“If that's the case, do you mean that we might as well kill her?”
別の幹部が言った。Said a different executive.
「やつにとっては、そのほうがインパクトが大きいでしょう」“Wouldn’t it be a larger impact on that guy?”
「いや、殺さない」“No, don’t kill her”
キドは言った。薄く笑い、続ける。Kido said. He thinly smiled and then continued.
「すぐにはな」“Not immediately.”

//End Translation.
//Section 2 completed.
140/246 pages= ~57% of the light novel translated~


Pages 128 and 129
サイと二人で火影室に行くと、部屋にはカカシといのがいた。With Sai, the two of them then went to the Office of the Hokage. Kakashi and Ino were in the room.
いのは、どことなく疲れた表情を浮かべていた。Ino had a somewhat worn-out expression on her face.
「いの、来てたの」“You came, Ino?”
「うん、ちょっと試してみたいことがあって、カカシ先生と通信班の部屋に行ってたんだ けど…」“Yup. There was something that I wanted to try out a little bit. I went with Kakashi-sensei to the Communication Division’s room, but…
「通信班?」”The Communication Division?”
サクラが怪訝な顔になると、机についていたカカシが答えた。Sakura then had a dubious expression on her face. Kakashi was seated at desk, and then replied:
「いや、いのが心伝身の術で、こっちから直接サスケに連絡をとれないかやってみる って言うからさ、試してみたんだけど……」“No, it was with Ino’s Shindenshin no Jutsu. She thought that we could try to get into direct contact with Sasuke from here. We tried to, but….”
「やっぱ、無理」“As we thought, it’s impossible”
いのが肩をすくめて言った。Ino shrugged her shoulders as she spoke.
「サスケくんの現在地が、おおよそでもわかればなんとかなったかもしれないけど、この 広い世界をあてずっぽうで探すのは、やっぱ無理があったわ。ちょっとバテた」“Maybe if we knew about Sasuke-kun’s current location or something, but we’re searching by guesswork in this vast world. It’s as we thought… it’s impossible. I’m a little exhausted. ”
いのが言うって、舌を出した。山中 一族の使う心伝身の術は、かなりの集中力を要するのだ。長時間は使えない。As Ino spoke, she stuck out her tongue. When the Yamanaka clan uses the Shindenshin no Jutsu, it demands a considerable ability to concentrate. It can’t be used for extended periods of time.
「それより、お前らはどうしたの?」“Aside from that, what are you guys doing?”
カカシの問いに、サイが答えた。Sai answered Kakashi’s question.
「先生にお話があって」“I have to tell you something, sensei”
「その、偽のサスケの件ですが……ひょっとしたら暗部が関係しているかもしれません」“It’s something about the imposter Sasuke…..It’s possible that the ANBU might be connected to the incidents”
カカシの目が鋭くなった。Kakashi’s eyes sharpened.
サイが続ける。Sai continued.
「サクラから聞きました。今回目撃されているサスケの偽者は、容貌だけでなくチャクラまでサスケのものなんですよね?」“I heard about it from Sakura. About the imposter Sasuke that they have sighted lately…He not only has his appearance, but also Sasuke’s chakra?”
「我愛羅の話だとな」“It’s from the conversation with Gaara”
「サクラが言うには、 髪の毛や皮膚からでもチャクラを抽出できるそうなんです。偽のサスケがまとっているチャクラは、そうやって作られたものかもしれない」“As Sakura said, it seems that it’s possible to extract chakra from hair or skin. The chakra that the imposter Sasuke was cloaked in might have been produced like that.”
「髪の毛や皮膚か…」“Hair or skin, eh?”

Pages 130 and 131
カカシは呟いて、思案顔になった。Kakashi muttered as his facial expression became pensive.
「確かに盲点だったかもしれないな」“Of course, there might be a blind spot, eh?”
「や、まだ仮定の話ですよ?そういう方法なら、サスケくんの知らないところで、サスケくんのコピーがうろついていることの説明にはなるなって…」 先走るサイに、サクラは少し焦った。“Well, that discussion was just a hypothesis, right? If it’s that kind of method, then Sasuke-kun wouldn’t even know about it. That explains how Sasuke’s copy is loitering around….”
先走るサイに、サクラは少し焦った。Sakura was a bit impatient with Sai, who was being impertinent.
カカシが言う。Kakashi then said:
「まあ仮定は仮定としてだ。しかし、そこになぜ暗部が出てくるんだ?」“Well, a hypothesis is just an hypothesis. However, how are the ANBU involved in this?”
「情報屋の男が気になることを言っていたんです。……大戦のすぐあと、終末の谷や、サスケとダンゾウ様が戦った橋に、木ノ葉の暗部の者が調査に入っていたって」“The informant said something worrisome:……Immediately after the Great War at the Valley of the End, and also at the bridge where Sasuke and Danzou-sama battled, Konoha’s ANBU went on investigations.”
「暗部が?」“The ANBU?”
「はい。暗部はその場所の土や岩の破片とかを持ち帰っていたそうなんです」“Yes. At those locations, it seems like the ANBU brought back some soil and rock fragments. “
「そんなもの持って帰ってどうする……あ」“Why would they bring back such things?.....Ah”
いのが、言葉の途中で、なにかに気づいた。Midway through her words, Ino realized something.
サクラが閃くのも、ほぼ同じタイミングだった。Something also occurred to Sakura at almost the same time.
「そうか。サスケくんの、個人情報物質が欲しかった…」“I see. They wanted material that had Sasuke-kun’s individual information on it …..”
サクラが呟くように言うと、サイが「そう」とゆっくりうなずいた。As Sakura murmured, Sai slowly nodded with a “Mhmm”.
「確かに、 その場所なら、サスケの髪だとか皮膚のかけらだとか、そういうもんは入手しやすいな」“Certainty, if they were at those locations, it would be easy for them to obtain things like Sasuke’s hair and skin.”
カカシが言った。Kakashi said.
それに血液もだ、とサクラは心のなかで付け足す。‘Besides, there was also blood…’ Sakura added onto the statement in her head.
なにしろ終末の谷は、サスケとナルトが死力を尽くして戦い、決着をつけた場所でもあるのだ。At any rate, at the Valley of The End, Naruto and Sasuke exhausted all of their might during their battle. It was where they settled their dispute.
二人はその戦いで、片腕を失っている。つまり、血液や体組織が、あの戦いの場には残っていたということなのだ。Both of them lost an arm because of that battle. And so, their blood and body tissues were left at that battle site.
そして、サスケとダンゾウが戦った橋もだ。終末の谷と同様、サスケの髪の毛や血液な どが入手可能だったろう。しかもそれを忍界大戦の直後に採取したのなら、サスケの個人情報物質の「鮮度」は高かったはずだ。There was also the bridge where Sasuke and Danzou had fought. It was the same as with the Valley of the End: it seemed as though things like Sasuke’s hair and blood were available. Moreover, if they harvested it immediately after the Great Shinobi World War, the ‘freshness’ of the materials that contained Sasuke’s individual information should be high.
しかし、と、カカシが言った。However, Kakashi then spoke:
「俺には専門的なことはわからんが、 そうやって持ち帰ったもののなかからサスケの髪の毛や皮膚なんかを選り分けて、さらにそこからチャクラを抽出するなんて、ソートー大変なことなんじゃないか?」“I don’t understand the technical aspects of it, but they sorted out things like Sasuke’s hair and skin from amongst the things that they brought back with them. After all, they extracted chakra from it since then. Wouldn’t sorting through it be difficult?”
「気の遠くなるような作業だと思います」“I think that seems like overwhelming work”

Pages 132 and 133
サクラは言った。だが、おそらく暗部はやったのだ。その作業を。Sakura said. However, this was the work of the ANBU.
サクラは、あのときの終末の谷を思い出してみる。Sakura tried to remember that time at the Valley of the End.
戦いが終わり、ナルトとサスケは崩壊した巨像の上に横たわった。When the battle ended, Naruto and Sasuke were laying outstretched on top of the crumbled, enormous statue.
サクラは二人の腕を治療し、カカシはそれを微笑みながら見守っていた。While Sakura was treating both of their arms, Kakashi was smiling while attentively watching over them.
そして、新時代への希望を感じながら、あの谷をあとにした――And then while feeling a sense of hope towards the new era, they left that valley behind them――
その谷に、暗部の者たちが降り立ったのだ。サクラたちが去ったあと。And then the ANBU personnel descended upon that valley. It was after Sakura and her comrades had left.
彼らは土を削り、岩の破片を拾い集めた。サスケの「痕跡」を求めて――They removed some of the soil and gathered fragments of the rocks. They were searching for ‘traces’ of Sasuke――
それがもし現実に行われたのだとしたら、その作業の隠微さに、サクラは不快の念しか覚えない。If they assume that was how they really operated, then Sakura felt nothing but an unpleasant sensation towards the obscurity of their work.
「でも、暗部はサスケくんの偽者をあちこちで目撃させて、なにがしたいんだろう…?」“But I wonder what do the ANBU want to do…..what’s with having the imposter Sasuke-kun being sighted in various places? ”
いのが言った。Ino said.
「それはボクにもまだわからない。だけど、もし暗部が、今ボクらが話しているやり方でサスケの偽者を作ったのだとしたら……カカシ先生」“I don’t understand that yet either. But if it’s the ANBU, what if we assume that they used the method that we talked about in order to make an imposter Sasuke….Kakashi-sensei?”
と、サイはカカシに顔を向けた。Sai spoke as he turned to face Kakashi.
「ボクを襲ったやつらが、尾獣のチャクラをまとっていたことの説明がつくかもしれません 」“Perhaps this explains how the guys who attacked me were cloaked in tailed-beast chakra. “
「それはつまり、暗部が人柱力が個人情報物質を集めて、そこから尾獣のチャクラを取り出したってことか?」“In other words, the ANBU gathered materials that had the individual information of a Jinchuuriki. And so they produced tailed-beast chakra from it?”
「可能性はあると思いませんか?他者のチャクラを身にまとう、という点で二つの事件は共通しています」“Don’t you think that’s a possibility…That someone can cloak themselves in another person’s chakra? That’s a common point between the two incidents.”
「いつもキドの横にいるマギレって男は医療忍者だ。キドの命令で、あるいはそういう技術を研究していたとしてもおかしくはないな」“The man who’s always beside Kido is the medical ninja Magire. It’s possible that he’s under Kido’s command, and it wouldn’t be strange if they were even trying to research that sort of technique. “
「ちょ、ちょっと待ってよ。二人だけで話さないで」“Wa- wait a second. You haven’t even talked about the two of them”
いのが割って入った。サクラも話が見えず、混乱する。Ino interrupted him. Since Sakura hadn’t heard about the story either, she was confused.
「あの、尾獣のチャクラって、どういうことですか?」“Umm, so about the tailed-beast chakra…What do you talking about?”
「ああ、すまんすまん。えーと……どう説明したらいいかな」“Ah…excuse me…Well, I wonder how I should explain it...”
カカシは頭をかいたあと、パンと手を打った。After Kakashi scratched his head, he clapped his hands together with a ‘pan’ sound.
「あ、とりあえず、君たち三人、今から同じチームね」“Ah, well first of all…the three of you will now be on the same team.”
サクラといのがきょとんとすると、サイが冷静に言った。Sakura and Ino looked blankly at him. Then Sai calmly spoke:
「確かに、ボクたちが追っている敵は同じである可能性が高い。だとするなら、情報を共有して、チームとして動いたほうがいいかもね」“Certainly, it’s very likely that we’ll be pursuing the same enemy later on. In that case, we better operate as a team and share information”
Pages 134 and 135
「敵……って?」” So what about…the enemy?”
サクラが聞くと、サイが言った。Sakura asked about it, and then Sai responded:
「暗部の積木キド。そしてマギレ。ボクは今、この二人をマークしている」“It’s the ANBU’s Tsumiki Kido. And then there’s Magire. I’ve marked both of them down for now”
大名と御意見番の襲撃事件を調べていたカカシとサイは、有力な容疑者としてこの二人に行きついた。Kakashi and Sai had investigated the incidents where the Daimyo and the Honourable Council were attacked. They decided that the two of them were plausible suspects.
襲撃事件は、暗部への予算の増加を狙った自作自演である可能性が高く、また、サイは調査の過程で、刺客に狙われた。その刺客が、尾獣のチャクラをまとっていたのだという。As for the attack incidents, there was a high possibility that they were used as a charade in order to increase the budget for the ANBU. In addition, while Sai was in the process of investigating them, assassins had been aiming at him. Those assassins were cloaked in the tailed-beast chakra.
「尾獣のチャクラ……」“Tailed-beast chakra….”
サクラが呟くと、いのが言った。As Sakura muttered, Ino spoke up:
「じゃあ、キドたちは、終末の谷でナルトの個人情報物質も集めたのかな?そこから九尾のチャクラを抽出して…」“Well…So it seems that Kido and his comrades went to the Valley of the End to gather materials that have Naruto’s individual information too? And then they extracted the Kyuubi’s chakra…”
「でも、ボクを襲ったやつらがまとったチャクラは、尾が一本だけだったけど…」“But as for the guys who attacked me who were cloaked in chakra, they only had one tail….”
「尾の数は関係ないかもしれないわね」“Maybe there’s no correlation to the number of tails?”
サクラが言った。Sakura said.
「ナルトも、最初の頃は、封印の解ける段階によって、現れる尾の数が違っていたし」“Even around the beginning for Naruto, it was according to the extent that he loosened his seal. So the number of tails that would appear were different”
「いやー、いいね、そうやって打ち合わせしてる感じ。即席チームだけど、うまくいきそうじゃない」“Well~ I think having this kind of arrangement is fine. Since it’s just an impromptu team, it shouldn’t go too well, right?”
カカシが、場にそぐわない呑気なことを言う。It didn’t match the circumstances well, but Kakashi was speaking freely.
「からかわないでくださいよ、先生」“Please don’t make fun of us, sensei”
いのが言った。Ino said.
サイも続ける。Sai continued.
「そうですよ。それに即席と言っても、ボクとサクラは元々同じ班だし、いのと組むこと にも全然不安なんてありませんよ」“I see. Although you said that it’s impromptu, Sakura and I were originally on the same team. But I’m not even worried at all about working together with Ino.”
ね、いの、とサイに声をかけられて、いのの顔が一瞬赤くなった。‘Right, Ino?’ Sai called out to her, and then Ino’s face turned red for an instant.
「そ、そうよね!楽勝よ!」“Th- that’s right! It’ll be an easy victory!”
いのの気持ちを知るサクラは、くすりと小さく笑う。Since Sakura understood Ino’s feelings, she giggled and smiled a little.
「いやいや、 冷やかして悪かった。……ま、本音言うとさ、俺もお前らと混じって外で動き回りたいんだけど、こういうのつけるようになっちゃうとね、それもなかなか」“Nono~ Sorry for making fun of you…Well, what I meant is that I want to join the rest of you and move around outside. But instead, it seems that I’m wearing something like this (and working on other obligations)”
カカシは言って、火影の笠をつんつんと触った。そして、顔つきを引き締めて続ける。As Kakashi spoke, he touched he conical Hokage hat gently. He then stiffened his features and continued:
「今回の事件、容疑者として追うべきは、もちろんキドとマギレだが、一方で暗部の独断を許してきた俺にも責任の一端はある。その点については、お前たちにも申し訳なく思っている」“As for this incident, the suspects that you should pursue are Kido and Magire, of course. But on the other hand, I allowed the arbitrary decision about the ANBU. So I’m partly responsible. So in that regard, I even feel sorry for you guys”

Pages 136 and 137
サクラたちはカカシの顔を見返した。Sakura and her comrades stared back at Kakashi’s face.
カカシは続けた。Kakashi continued.
「俺は暗部という組織のあり方を早急に見直すつもりだ。外で動き回れないぶん、俺はそっちに知恵を絞る。だからキドとマギレのほうは、頼んだぞ」“I’m planning on immediately reviewing the current state of things regarding the organization of the ANBU. Since it’s not apparent externally, I’ll think hard about that. So that’s why I’ll entrust the part about Kido and Magire to you guys”
サクラたちは、 「はい」と同時に答えた。Sakura and her comrades simultaneous replied with “Yes, sir!”
(--Line Break//Scene Change--)(--Line Break//Scene Change--)
「猪鹿蝶ならぬ、いの・サク・サイの急造チームね」“We won’t be the Ino-Shika-Chou. We’ll be the impromptu team: Ino-Saku-Sai”
いのが言った。Ino said.
「語呂悪くない」”It doesn’t sound bad”
サクラがつっこんだ。Sakura retorted:
「語呂が悪いくらいいいよ。チームワークさえよければ」“It just sounds weird, but it’s okay. As long as our teamwork is good”
サイがうなずいた。Sai nodded.
火影室を出た三人は、とりあえず木ノ葉病院の屋上に場所を移して、これからのことを打ち合わせた。The three of them left the office of the Hokage. First off, they changed locations to the rooftop of Konoha’s hospital. They then arranged their plans for later.
「ボクは引き続きキドの行動を監視することにする」“I’ll continue to observe Kido’s behavior for a while”
「私たちは……どうしよう?やっぱり、ザスケくんの偽者のほうを調べればいいかな」“As for us….what should we do? It’s as I thought, I think we should investigate Sasuke-kun’s imposter”
いのが言って、サクラを見た。As Ino spoke, she looked at Sakura.
「そうね。ただ、暗部が本当にサスケくんの個人情報物質を集めてたのか、その辺り、もう少し裏をとったほうがいい気もする。今のところ、サイが情報屋から聞いた話だけだもんね」“That’s right. But if the ANBU really did gather material with Sasuke-kun’s individual information on it….We should consider those areas and look into the underside of it a bit more. For now, it’s just a story that Sai heard from his informant. “
「そうか。でも、裏をとるって、どうやって」“I see. But how are we going to look into the underside of it?”
「私、思ったんだけど、暗部がサスケくんの髪の毛や血液を集めていたとして、それを探しに行った場所って、終末の谷や、あの橋以外にもあるような気がするの」“I thought about it, but since the ANBU tried to collect Sasuke-kun’s hair and blood…We should go and search those areas. The Valley of the End, and also that bridge….I seem to have a hunch about it.
「他の場所にも調査に入ったってこと?」“Are there other places to investigate?”
サイが聞いた。Sai asked.
「そう。チャクラの抽出に使う髪の毛や血液は多いに越したことはないと思うの。てことは、いろんな場所からそれを集めてたんじゃないかな」“Mm. In order to extract chakra, I think that they should have used a lot of hair and blood. So they would have went to various places to gather those things, right?”
「たとえばどこ?」と、いの。“But where, for example?” said Ino.
「里の外まで範囲を広げちゃうと、私にもわからない。だけど、里のなかに限れば、すぐに浮かぶのはサスケくんの家。あとは、南賀ノ神社とかね」“If we extend the scope to as far as outside the village, even I’m not sure about it. But if we restrict it to within the village…Sasuke’s home immediately comes to mind. Afterwards, there’s places like the Naka Shrine.”
「うん、まあ、その二か所は有力かもね」とサイ。“Mm. Well, those two places might be plausible” said Sai.

Page 138+
「より新しいサスケくんの髪の毛ってことなら、家より南賀ノ神社のほうが、暗部が行った確率は高いかも」“If it’s newer hair from Sasuke-kun, it’s probably more likely that the ANBU went to the Naka Shrine rather than his home. “
サクラがそう言うと、Sakura said so.
「んー、でも、どうだろー」“Mm…but what should we do?”
いのが腕を組んで宙を睨む。Ino folded her arms and stared off into space.
「わざわざ髪の毛探しに、そんなとこ行くかなー。終末の谷でサスケくんの血液を採取するっていうのは、まあ持ち帰れる公算が高いと思うけど、南賀ノ神社でサスケくんの髪の毛を探すとなると、さすがにそれは難しいんじゃ……」“Especially if we’re searching for hair…I guess we should go there? At the Valley of the End, they collected Sasuke-kun’s blood. Well, I think that there’s a high likelihood that they can bring it back from there. But as far as searching the Naka Shrine for Sasuke-kun’s hair, it’s expected to be difficult, right…. “
「探しに行って、なければないでいいのよ。でも、最低一度は調べに行ってると思うの。 時期は、大戦のすぐあと」“It’s fine if we go and search for it, it must be there. I think that they should have gone to investigate it at least once…just immediately after the Great War. ”
その時期、南賀ノ神社の近くで、暗部を見かけた者はいないか、聞きこみをしてみるのはどうだろう、とサクラは提案した。At that time, perhaps no one would have seen the ANBU near the Naka Shrine. Sakura suggested that was when they seemed to have gathered it.
「もし見たって人がいたら、少なくとも状況証拠にはなるわ」“If there was someone who saw them, at least there would be circumstantial evidence.”
「オッケー。やってみましょうか」“Okay. Let’s try and do it”
いのが同意したことで、三人の動き方は決まった。Since Ino agreed to it, the three of them had then decided on their activities.
「定期的に会ってお互いの情報を交換しよう。どんな小さな証拠でも、集めていけばそれはキドを追いこむことになる」At regular intervals, let’s would meet up with one another and exchange information. No matter how trivial the evidence, continue to collect it. It’ll go into the pursuit of Kido.”
サイの言葉に、サクラといのはうなずいた。Sakura and Ino nodded as they heard Sai’s words.
急ごしらえのチームだが、ともかく動き出した。Even though they were an impromptu team, they began to operate anyway.
動けるのはいい。部屋で悶々としているよりも、ずっと気が楽だ。サクラは思った。It was good that they could work together. Instead of endlessly worrying in her room, her mind was now always at ease. Sakura thought about it.
――サスケくんのために動ける――I can do it for the sake of Sasuke-kun
サクラにとって、そう思えることは大きかった。As for Sakura, that was huge thing that she could think about.

//End Translation.
//Section 1 completed.
138.5/246 pages= ~56% of the light novel translated~